Meadowsweet is a lovely herb often associated with love, happiness, and summer celebrations, particularly Beltane. Here's how it might be incorporated into wedding and handfasting rituals:
Wedding & Handfasting Rituals:
- Incense: Burn dried meadowsweet as incense to create a sweet and romantic atmosphere during the ceremony.
- Love Potion: (Consult with a qualified herbalist) A small amount of meadowsweet can be added to a love potion for the couple to share.
- Unity Ritual: Incorporate meadowsweet into a unity ritual.
Beltane Celebrations: Beltane, a festival of spring and fertility, is a natural time to incorporate meadowsweet.
Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness:
- Love & Happiness: Meadowsweet is often associated with love, happiness, and contentment. It can be used in spells and rituals to attract love, deepen existing relationships, and promote joy and happiness within the marriage.
- Divination: Meadowsweet can be used in divination practices, such as scrying or reading tea leaves.
- Peace: The sweet fragrance of meadowsweet is believed to promote peace, harmony, and tranquility within the marriage.
Goddess Magick: Meadowsweet is often associated with the Goddess, particularly those associated with love, fertility, and the beauty of nature.
Protection Against Evil Influences: Meadowsweet is believed to have protective properties, guarding against negative energies and ill intentions. It can be used in spells and rituals to protect the marriage from negativity and ensure a happy and fulfilling union.
Important Considerations:
- Disclaimer: These interpretations are based on folklore and traditional beliefs. The effectiveness of these magical uses is a matter of personal belief.